CourseLab CourseLab 3.5. User's Guide Previous topic Next topic


CALL action enables transition to the specified Frame of the Slide.

CALL action is almost similar to the GOTO action, the only difference is that during execution of this action, identifier of the current Slide remains in memory as a parameter for the RETURN action.


Defines target of transition. Possible values:
  • Specified Frame. Transition will be performed to the Frame that is selected in the Frame control.
  • Next Frame. Transition will be performed to the Frame, which is next to current Frame (if exists).
  • Previous Frame. Transition will be performed to the Frame, which is previous to current Frame (if exists).
  • Next Slide. Transition will be performed to the first Frame of the Slide which is next to current Slide (if exists).
  • Previous Slide. Transition will be performed to the first Frame of the Slide which is previous to current Slide (if exists).
Target Frame identifier where transition will be performed to.


RETURN action performs transition to the Slide where action CALLwas previously executed.