CourseLab CourseLab 3.5. User's Guide Previous topic Next topic


Timer is the special object, which can be used for different time counts. This object stores its state in LMS automatically (if present).

IMPORTANT! This Object is intended to work on MASTER-SLIDE.

Examples of Object appearance:

Object Parameters

Autostart... checkmark allows to start counting immediately on Module's loading. If there already is some timer value that was stored in LMS:

Check Display time limit to enable user to view the limit.

Display countdown from limit to zero toggles counting type.

On the Font tab you can specify font parameters for Object's strings.

Object Events

Object is capable generating events with regards to the user's actions and interpretation of the actions by the object. When combined with actions events can be employed for building up intellectual behavior models for other objects depending on the current state of the Object. Events are available using CourseLab built-in events manipulation mechanism.

Event Triggered Upon
on Timer Start Timer starts counting
on Time Out Time limit is reached
on Timer Tick Every second while timer counts. Using this event with value property to launch actions on specific moment.

Object Specific Properties

Along with common object properties, this object has some specific properties, that can be used in actions and in text substitutions (OBJ_ID below means current object ID):

Property Returns Syntax
state 1 - timer is counting, 0 - timer is stopped. $OBJ_ID.state
value Current timer value (integer in seconds) $OBJ_ID.value