CourseLab CourseLab 3.5. User's Guide Previous topic Next topic

Current Position

Current Position object enables tracing of the Slide number against the total number of Slides.

IMPORTANT! This Object is intended to work on MASTER-SLIDE.

Examples of Object appearance:

Object Parameters

By default, object displays the following label: “POSITION: N/M” (where N is a Slide number, and M is a total number of Slides). You can modify text, divider, and some other display parameters with respect to the overall design of the learning Module.

Other display types allow to use custom string with substitution markers, which will be replaced with corresponding values when displayed.

Object Specific Properties

Along with common object properties, this object has some specific properties, that can be used in actions and in text substitutions (OBJ_ID below means current object ID):

Property Returns Syntax
currentPosition Returns number of current Slide $OBJ_ID.currentPosition