CourseLab CourseLab 3.5. User's Guide Previous topic Next topic

Events common to all Objects

Any Object located on the Frame can be the source for the following Common Events.

Event Triggered upon
on Before Creation Before start of creation of the code of selected Object. Object is not available yet.
on After Creation Before end of creation of the code of selected Object. Object is available, but not visible.
on Display Right after the Object becomes visible.
on After Display Transition After the end of the transition effect of the Object (if defined in Entrance section).
on Hide Start After the Object becomes invisible or right before the start of the transition effect of the Object (if defined in Exit section).
on After Hide Transition After the end of the transition effect of the Object (if defined in Exit section).
on Before Destroy Before start of destroying the Object. Object still exists.
on After Destroy Before the end of destroying the Object. Object is already unavailable.

Basic mouse events

Event Triggered upon
on Click By left mouse click directly within the Object.
on Mouse Over When the mouse cursor reaches the outside border of the Object.
on Mouse Out When the mouse cursor reaches the inside border of the Object.

Supplementary mouse events

Event Triggered upon
on Double Click By a mouse double-click directly within the Object. The pause between the clicks, which indicates whether this is double-click rather than two single clicks, corresponds to the mouse properties defined under the operating system settings on the user’s computer.
on Left Button Down When the left mouse button is pressed down within the Object
on Left Button Up When the pressed left mouse button is released within the Object
on Right Button Down When the right mouse button is pressed down within an Object
on Right Button Up When the pressed right mouse button is released within the Object

Dragging events

Event Triggered upon
on Drop Dragged Object When the dragged Object is dropped within the Object. It is important to understand, that if one Object is dragged and dropped over another Object, the second - i.e. target - Object would be the source of the generated event.