CourseLab CourseLab 3.5. User's Guide Previous topic Next topic


The Rule presents the set of conditions. If conditions are satisfied the status of indicated objective will change. Using Rules allows transferring control on both Success and Completion Statuses to the CourseLab player, i.e. statuses will be changed automatically.

Adding Rule

  1. Press the Runtime button in the Settings group of the Module tab. In classic menu select Module → Runtime settings…

  2. In the opened Runtime Settings dialog window proceed to the Rules tab.

  3. On the Rules press Add button.

For each Rule specify the following:


Each condition defines one of the following checks:

  1. Slides Visited. Condition is satisfied if during Module execution all the Slides in sequence, including the ones with defined identifiers were viewed by the student.

  2. Objective Score. Condition is satisfied if value of the actual objective’s score for the defined condition is for example greater or equal to the specified value. For comparison of specified score with actual score, the following operators are employed: <, >, =, <=, >=, and <>.

  3. Objective Success. Condition is satisfied if actual value of the Objective Success Status corresponds to the specified one.

  4. Objective Completion. Condition is satisfied if actual value of the Objective Completion Status corresponds to the specified one.

Using of the last three above mentioned checks for creating Rules allow building cascading Rules – when status of the single objective depends on the statuses of other objectives.