CourseLab CourseLab 3.5. User's Guide Previous topic Next topic

Object Selection

In order to execute command against the Object, this Object has to be selected.

Selected Objects are outlined by markers, which are also used for Object's resizing.

The processing information regarding selected Object is displayed in the status bar in the bottom part of CourseLab window.

In case multiple Objects are selected, status bar contains only information pertaining to the last selected Object.

Selecting Objects in the workspace

Regardless the fact that Objects placed on the Master-Slide are visible on the standard Slides as well, to select such Objects they need to be opened within Master-Slide.

Sequential objects Selection within workspace

When Object is selected, you can also select the subsequent Object by pressing Tab key.

Object's selection in the task panel

  1. Open Frame Structure in the Task Pane. To do that press the Frame structure button in the Right Pane group of the View tab. In classic menu select View → Task Pane item and select Frame Structure.
  2. To select the Object in the Frame Structure, left click on the object's identifier. To select all the Objects within the Group in the Frame Structure, left click on the group's identifier.